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In our market data section, you find consensus financial projections for Kuehne+Nagel as well as a real-time view of our current share price.

We work closely with securities analysts to provide a transparent view of current market expectations. The following data represent the median estimates sourced from our most recent poll.

Market Estimates and Consensus Data

Median Estimates (CHF, m)* 2024 2025
Net Turnover 23.945 24.820
Sea Logistics 8.520 8.623
Air Logistics 7.179 7.329
Road Logistics 3.497 3.658
Contract Logistics 4.766 4.985
Gross Profit 8.743 9.047
Sea Logistics 2.139 2.119
Air Logistics 1.748 1.854
Road Logistics 1.315 1.339
Contract Logistics 3.584 3.721
EBIT 1.697 1.779
Sea Logistics 866 838
Air Logistics 494 552
Road Logistics 133 132
Contract Logistics 216 240
Profit before tax 1.684 1.768
Profit after tax 1.267 1.324
Non-controlling interests -42 -37
Net Profit, equity holders 1.230 1.279
EPS 10,35 10,81
DPS 7,88 8,15
Net debt** -1.000 -1.368
Free Cash Flow 696 1.342


* Each line item based on median estimate. Therefore Business Unit projections may not reconcile completely with group projections. 

** Excluding IFRS16 capitalized leases.

Publication date: October 9, 2024

Median based upon contributions from the following brokers:

AlphaValue, Barclays, Bernstein, BofA, Citi, HSBC, J.P. Morgan, Morgan Stanley, Research Partners, Stifel, UBS, Vontobel, Zürcher Kantonalbank.

Analyst Coverage

Kuehne+Nagel's business activities are regularly followed by the following analysts, amongst others.

Bank Lead Analyst
AlphaValue Kulwinder Rajpal
Barclays Marco Limite
Bernstein Alexander Irving
BofA Muneeba Kayani
Citi Sathish Sivakumar
Deutsche Bank Andy Chu
Exane BNP Paribas Robert Joynson
Goldman Sachs Patrick Creuset
HSBC Parash Jain
J.P. Morgan Alexia Dogani
Morgan Stanley Cedar Ekblom
Morningstar Michael Field
Research Partners Alexander Burgansky
Stifel Johannes Braun
TD Cowen Jason Seidl
UBS Sebastian Vogel
Vontobel Michael Foeth
Zürcher Kantonalbank Gian Marco Werro


Opinions, forecasts and estimates regarding the Kuehne + Nagel Group made by the above listed analysts are theirs alone and do not represent opinions, predictions or forecasts of the Kuehne+Nagel Group or its management. By the reference above, Kuehne+Nagel does not imply its endorsement of or concurrence with such information, conclusions or recommendations.

Share Monitor

For a real-time view of our current share price, please see our interactive monitor which allows you to compare share prices with our peers on a sliding scale from the past five years to today.

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The median consensus estimate is based on the underlying analyses, reports, recommendations, and assessments of those analysts cited as sources only, who cover KUEHNE+NAGEL, but never KUEHNE+NAGEL own analyses. It is provided for informational purposes and from an outside third party perspective only. In determining and providing the median consensus estimate, KUEHNE+NAGEL does not itself perform any financial analysis containing either a direct or indirect investment recommendation and does not imply its endorsement of or concurrence with such information. The analysts' opinions, forecasts, estimates, and projections regarding the performance of KUEHNE+NAGEL merely reflect the opinions of these analysts and do not reflect the opinions, forecasts, estimates, and projections of KUEHNE+NAGEL. KUEHNE+NAGEL hereby expressly declares that it does not endorse the recommendations, opinions, and conclusions of analysts, nor does it support nor confirm them. The information provided on this web page does not constitute an invitation to buy, hold, or sell securities, any other investment recommendation, or any offer or advertisement for securities. KUEHNE+NAGEL does not assume any liability for the specific information presented, its quality, or that such information is accurate, complete, up-to-date or revised. KUEHNE+NAGEL is not liable for any loss or damage suffered by third parties as a result of information contained on this web page. Please note that various known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors could lead to material differences between KUEHNE+NAGEL's actual future results, financial situation, development or performance, and the estimates provided with the median consensus.