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Back Semiconductor finished goods

Ship your high-value chips and integrated circuits on your timetable with experts who keep your finished goods safe during transport.

Keeping high-value cargo secure throughout the supply chain

Because any handover point can bring added risk, our semicon logistics experts build strategies that ensure your finished goods arrive safely.

Whether travelling through controlled or uncontrolled environments, your cargo is secured from pilferage and damage.

Quality logistics solutions

  • Trained personnel across our SecureChain-certified network
  • Pre-approved routing for the safest passage
  • Thoroughly vetted carriers
  • Escort and security guide services, where needed
  • Risk management services for reviews and audits

Work with experts who help you meticulously plan each semiconductor shipment to arrive on schedule and in pristine condition

Chips and integrated circuits arrive as planned

From capacity constraints to meeting tight manufacturing schedules, your customers can face challenges on the receiving side.

Work with experts who help you meticulously plan each shipment to arrive on schedule and in pristine condition.

Semicon-certified solutions

Complete control

Complete control

Our certified Semicon network of trained professionals understands the requirements for moving chips and integrated circuits. Only approved carriers with specialised security services handle your goods.

Final-mile planning

Final-mile planning

Deliveries are prebooked and scheduled with your end customers, so goods arrive according to their requirements. They never have to worry about managing unexpected shipments.

Global quality network

Global quality network

Semicon experts around the world manage your finished goods with high-security processes, including pre-approved routings, trained truckers, checklist handovers and milestone monitoring.