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Back The Olympic Torch Relay Route

France will host the Olympic Games from July 26 to August 11, 2024, followed by the Paralympic Games from August 28 to September 8. 

Update : 29/05/2024

They will mainly take place in the region of Paris but also in various cities in France.

Click here to access the complete list of sports venues. 

A number of security measures will be gradually activated and deactivated to control access to the various competition sites, from the installation of sports equipment (March 2024) to the dismantling of these infrastructures (October 2024). 

Security perimeters: 

The Paris police prefecture has established three security zones around the sports venues.

Blue zones, deviation perimeters:

  • Transit prohibited, but local service possible.
  • Presentation of a transport document will be required by law enforcement during random checks at entry points or within the perimeter (delivery receipts, purchase orders, or others).

Red zones, restriction perimeters:

  • Motorized traffic prohibited except for exemptions.
  • Access under specific hours (for users, merchants, businesses).
  • Authorized deliveries will require prior registration via a digital platform (QR Code).

Gray zones, protection perimeters: 

Click here for the complete schedule.

Your local contacts remain available for any further information.

Discover the full route of the Olympic flame in France below: