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Back A behind-the-scenes look at warehousing and its impact on product availability

Warehousing is not just about storing products. It's a strategic process crucial for optimizing inventory management and minimizing delays. It acts as the central hub for product distribution, ensuring goods are accessible when and where consumers need them.

Today we invite you to step inside the pivotal world of warehousing where efficiency meets reliability and discover how this crucial logistics component ensures that your favorite products are just a click away. 

Before we dive in let’s have a look at warehousing components and how they are a critical component of supply chains, influencing product availability and overall business success. Let’s first explore core functions, importance, and benefits. 

1. Warehouse operations 

Pick and Pack / Order fulfilment: Warehouses (distribution centers, fulfillment centers) play a crucial role in getting orders ready for shipment to customers promptly and without mistakes.  

The pick-and-pack process basically means to select and prepare for shipping all ordered products. However, depending on the requirements and agreed set up, it may include additional services like checking quality, labeling, assembling, attaching promotional materials or products. 

  • Inventory Management: Effective inventory management ensures that products are tracked, measured, updated, and retrieved efficiently within a storage facility. It includes managing minimum and maximum quantities, avoiding stock-outs, and meeting service level agreements. Inventory management is fundamental for planning. 
  • Warehouse Management System (WMS): A robust WMS software oversees warehouse operations, inventory storage, demand forecasting, and daily efficiency. Warehouse management involves tracking inventory quantities, monitoring expiration dates, and organizing the process (FIFO, FEFO, etc.) based on customer demand. 

2. Advantages of outsourcing logistics and warehousing operations  

No need for investment in construction, equipment, staff, etc. Payment model as per the needs, volumes warehoused, orders processed. 

Full control of stock inventory, operations and use eCommerce shipping solutions at scale. 

  • Enhanced customer service and efficiency: Optimized inventory levels can minimize stock-outs and ensure products are always available when customers need them. Cost savings by centralizing and collaborating with integrator of logistics solutions (inbound deliveries, warehousing and operations, lats mile deliveries)  
  • Risk mitigation:  FCs/DCs can act as a buffer against supply chain disruptions, such as delays or production issues. 
  • Managing seasonal demand: Good planning of the stock in current or extended warehouses enables companies to handle fluctuations in demand effectively, especially during peak seasons. 
  • Value-added services: Warehouses can offer additional services like kitting, labeling, and quality control. 
  • Cross-docking: Streamlining the flow of goods directly from inbound to outbound transportation reduces storage time. 

3. Choosing the right integrator of logistics solutions 

When selecting a warehousing solution, consider the following factors: 

  • Location: Is the warehouse strategically positioned for efficient distribution? If the provider can offer also distribution services? 
  • Space and capacity: Does it meet your storage needs from volume and technical perspective 
  • Technology: Is there a robust WMS in place? EDI/API integration with your ERP/WMS? 
  • Costs: Evaluate storage fees, handling charges, and other costs. 
  • Security and compliance: Ensure compliance with regulations and protect your inventory. 

Remember that effective warehousing positively impacts product availability, customer satisfaction, saving costs generated from wrong picking, delivery, return, new picking, new delivery and overall business performance. 

Reach out to our specialists for deeper and detailed discussion. 

The challenges in product availability 

Now that we have a better picture of core functions, importance, and benefits let’s talk about challenges. Warehousing faces several challenges that can impact efficiency, productivity, and overall success.  

Let us explore some of the most common warehouse management challenges and how they affect businesses. 

Inaccurate inventory information 

Issue: Manual inventory processes lead to errors, causing picking problems (workers going to locations with unavailable products) and improper stock information. 

Solution: Automated warehouse management system with robust inventory management and optimization features. 

Inefficient space utilization 

Issue: Poorly configured layouts result in underutilized floor and vertical space. Inefficient setups waste time searching for items, affecting profitability. 

Solution: Optimize warehouse layout to maximize storage capacity and minimize search time for high-frequency items. 

Improper labor management 

Issue: Labor costs can comprise a sizable portion of the total warehouse budget. Inadequate staffing affects productivity. 

Solution: Efficiently manage labor, allocate resources effectively, and invest in training to enhance workforce productivity. 

Safety hazards 

Issue: Unsafe practices can lead to accidents, injuries, and damage to products or equipment. 

Solution: Prioritize safety protocols, provide proper training, and maintain a safe working environment. 

Inefficient warehouse technology 

Issue: Outdated or poorly integrated technology hampers efficiency. 

Solution: Invest in modern warehouse management systems (WMS), automation, and connectivity tools 

How trends are shaping the industry 

Cutting-edge technologies enhance the speed and accuracy of warehouse operations. These innovations are key to transforming traditional storage facilities into dynamic environments that adapt to current market demands. So, let’s explore some of the latest trends in warehousing technology that are shaping the industry: 


From energy-efficient lighting and solar panels to waste reduction programs, the industry ensures that operations support environmental stewardship even more in the future. For example, Kuehne+Nagel is committed to sustainability and has been integrating green practices within its warehousing operations for years. 

The Robots 

Robots are playing increasingly significant roles in warehouses. Their capabilities and configurability continue to improve. The market for mobile robots is expected to reach over $334 billion between 2032 and 2042. Robots handle tasks such as sorting, picking, packaging, batching, transportation, fulfillment, security, and inspection. 

For example, Amazon, with over 200,000 mobile robots implemented in its facilities, leads the way in robot-driven warehouses. 

Tech solutions 

Warehouses are adopting modular and plug-and-play technologies for flexibility and scalability. 

These solutions allow easy integration of new tools and systems without disrupting existing operations. 

The Internet of Things (IoT) 

IoT devices enhance warehouse visibility, tracking, and efficiency. Sensors collect real-time data on inventory, equipment, and environmental conditions. The global IoT in warehouse management market is estimated to grow from $12.13 billion in 2023 to $27.79 billion by 2030. 

Labor shortage challenges 

Rising labor costs impact warehouse operations. Automation helps address labor shortages and reduces reliance on manual work. 

RFID tagging 

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology improves inventory accuracy. 

RFID tags enable real-time tracking of products, reducing errors and enhancing supply chain visibility. 

Connected Logistics 

Integration of logistics processes across the supply chain using digital technologies. Real-time data sharing among suppliers, manufacturers, and retailers for better decision-making. 

Wireless fleet management 

Wireless communication systems optimize fleet operations. Tracking, route optimization, and maintenance management improve efficiency. 


Blockchain technology enhances transparency, security, and traceability in supply chains. It ensures data integrity and reduces fraud risks. b

Cloud-based software 

Cloud-based warehouse management solutions are forecasted to grow at a higher CAGR than on-premises software. Scalability, accessibility, and cost-effectiveness drive adoption. 

Packing innovations 

Smart packing solutions improve space utilization and reduce waste. Automated packing systems enhance efficiency and minimize errors. 

Optimizing warehouses for high product availability 

Optimizing your warehouse layout is crucial for streamlining operations, reducing costs, and improving overall efficiency. Here are some inside tips to help you achieve an optimized warehouse design: 

Map it out 

Start by creating a detailed map or blueprint of your warehouse. You can use existing maps or design new ones using software tools like Smartdraw or AutoCAD. Accurate measurements are essential, so don’t take shortcuts. 

Label different areas, indicate workflow directions, walking paths, and the flow of shipments and products. Consider the building’s height as well. 

Plan for space optimization 

Understand the available space and plan your storage area first. Consider storage needs, workflow areas, and equipment placement. 

Explore different methods 

Organized Clusters: Group similar products together for easy access. 

Aisle Setup: Arrange storage in aisle, like a grocery store layout (with aisle in the back and production/workflow areas in the front). 

Analyze current throughput 

Identify and analyze existing problems in your warehouse. Assess throughput, bottlenecks, and inefficiencies. 

Study product needs 

Understand your inventory requirements. Categorize products based on frequency of use. Place high-demand items closer to shipping areas for faster and better access. 

Choose suitable storage systems 

Opt for storage solutions that maximize vertical space. Adjustable racking and shelving systems allow you to stack shelves as high as safely possible. Consider higher-density storage equipment like double-deep racking systems. 

Mark off warehouse areas 

Clearly define different zones within your warehouse: storage, picking, packing, shipping, etc. Use markings, labels, and signage to guide employees efficiently. 

Implement yard management 

Efficiently manage the outdoor space around your warehouse. Proper yard management ensures smooth movement of trucks, trailers, and containers. 

Deploy a Warehouse Management System (WMS) 

A WMS helps optimize inventory control, order processing, and overall warehouse operations. It provides real-time visibility and automation. 

Space for future growth

Anticipate business expansion and allocate space accordingly. Avoid overcrowding and plan for scalability. 

Digitally simulate warehouse operation 

Use simulation software to model different layout scenarios. Evaluate how changes impact workflow, efficiency, and resource allocation. 

Remember that a well-designed warehouse layout directly impacts productivity, cost-effectiveness, and customer satisfaction. Regularly review and adjust your layout as needed to adapt to changing requirements. 


Effective warehousing means optimized inventory levels, quicker order fulfillment, and reduced out-of-stock scenarios. This article has shown how strategic warehousing solutions maintain the balance between supply and demand, ensuring product availability and customer satisfaction. 

In the ever-evolving landscape of global logistics, warehousing plays a critical role in maintaining the flow of goods across various sectors. By prioritizing efficiency, innovation, and sustainability, Kuehne+Nagel continues to lead in providing solutions that not only meet but exceed customer expectations. 

We further invite you to explore how our warehousing solutions can transform your supply chain. Reach out anytime if you want to learn more about our services and how we can help streamline your operations for better product availability.